Tag Archives: Mecha Anime

Toei Tokusatsu World Reviews: God Sigma

The more of these mecha anime series I watch on Toei Tokusatsu World Official, the more I realise how they’re pretty much all the same. That said, it doesn’t make me want to watch them all any less… Space Emperor God Sigma (宇宙大帝ゴッドシグマ), or just God Sigma, is a 1980 Saburou Yatsude production. Saburou Yatsude […]

Toei Tokusatsu World Reviews: Daltanious

Isn’t toku supposed to be live action? Can an animated series actually be considered tokusatsu? These are the questions that adorn the lips of many people within our community, including my wife, but I’m here to tell you that yes, yes it can. Taken at surface level, tokusatsu directly translates as special filming and, yes, […]