Why You Should Be Reading Boom! Studios’ Power Rangers Comics in 2024

Other than being the only new Power Rangers content available, there’s a lot for Ranger fans to enjoy in the Boom! Studios comics. Here’s why you should be reading them as we head into 2024…

Boom! Studios is filling the Power Rangers void left by Hasbro, following the conclusion of Cosmic Fury, with Mighty Morphin Power Rangers comics, but even more content is coming to 2024. From the Darkest Hour event to the recently released Ranger Academy, there has never been so much Power Rangers hype for fans to dive into. With two new releasing featuring the original Pink Ranger and a returning iconic writer, an even greater abundance of comics will be launching next year.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers currently features the 30th Anniversary event, Darkest Hour, which sees Dark Spector infecting the Grid through the actions of Empress Vile. Writer Melissa Flores began the event with Simona Di Gianfelice and Hendry Prasetya as the artist for the new storyline in the series. This new chapter even includes the Drakkon Rangers and the Hyperforce Rangers from their one shot graphic novels. The library of content for Power Rangers has recently grown with the new comic series, Ranger Academy, which features brand-new characters written by Maria Mora Ingrande, with art by Jo Mi-Gyeong. 

Mindblowing Releases Coming in 2024

There is a huge wave of content coming from the Power Rangers universe, which even expands further as a multiverse release is debuting from Boom! Studios. Alongside Darkest Hour and Ranger Academy, two new releases are also debuting in 2024, which feature Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Hart/Pink Ranger) and Ryan Parrott (Go Go Power Rangers, Necessary Evil) as writers. This includes the recently revealed Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return and Power Rangers Universe: Morphin Masters and both are starting in the new year. 

Darkest Hour Expands with Power Rangers Universe: Morphin Masters 

The Darkest Hour continues in the latest Mighty Morphin Power Rangers comics but a new release will soon spinoff from the upcoming issue. Ryan Parrott will feature as the writer of a new comic series that focuses on Ranger Slayer entering the Grid. Parrott will also be joined by cowriter Rachel Wagner, with art by Daniel Baliss and colourist Arthur Hesli. The new comic will start as a tie in after the events of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #116, branching out as Coinless’ Kim tries to find the Morphin Masters. If the devastatingly exciting events of Darkest Hour haven’t piqued your interest, this latest release will give you the drive to catch up quickly. 

Ranger Academy Unleashes a Mystery

The latest comic series tells a new story about Sage as she enters an academy that trains the next generation of Rangers. Issue 3 will be released on December 6th, 2023, which was teased to include familiar faces for fans to notice. Many mysterious aspects are featured in the new concept, such as the difference between first years and the students that are given their Ranger colours and their designated dorm. The comic also teases a secret history for Sage’ father but a listing for the first volume of the comic series also teases a big mystery about a missing piece of the spectrum. With the volume only covering issues 1 to 4, even bigger reveals are expected as more releases in 2024. 

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return Takes Off 

The highly anticipated release by Amy Jo Johnson and Matt Hotson will release the first issue next year in February. Along with huge Power Rangers fan and comic artist, Nico Leon, the team will bring a massive alternate story as part of the 30th Anniversary celebration. This includes seeing the iconic original team as if they never left, with brand new characters introduced such as the female Green Ranger, Olivia Hart. Fans of the first season will be treated to this new dimension that sees Kimberly, Jason, Zack, and the team as if they never transferred their powers. 

These are just some of the exciting new stories that will delight and entertain fans throughout 2024. This is especially potent as the upcoming Power Rangers Reboot from Hasbro will leave a huge gap in content. Although many fans are excited to see the next live action instalment for the franchise, Boom! Studios are creating an abundance of exciting events to keep the Morphin Grid running. Each issue will provide a filling to the void and will draw you in with every release so make sure you don’t miss out on the next burst of comics starting next year. 

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #115 will be released on December 27th, 2023. The upcoming Power Rangers Universe: The Morphin Masters #1 will release, after Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #116, on January 31st, 2024. 

Ranger Academy #3 will be released on December 6th, 2023, with Ranger Academy #4 scheduled for release on January 3rd, 2024. Ranger Academy Vol 1 will be released on March 14th, 2024, which will include all four issues of the latest Power Rangers comic series. 

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return #1 will hit shelves on February 7th, 2023. The Boom Direct Reserve Campaign is still live, which features limited edition collectibles on available via Kickstarter. 

For more Power Rangers comics, keep an eye on upcoming releases. For more Power Rangers, keep an eye on social media and keep following The Toku Source for more news and announcements. 

Source: Boom! Studios


  • Henshin Asset (Bryn)

    With a passion for Tokusatsu's Power Rangers and Super Sentai franchise, I am a Writer from The Illuminerdi who shares his love of Toku as a UK Resident. Big fan of Beetleborgs and various Kamen Rider series, and also loves Anime, Gaming, and VR. My Favourite Ranger series is Power Rangers Hyperforce, which demonstrates the power of TTRPGs.

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