Power Rangers Cosmic Fury: Concerns Among the Fandom

As fans await the newest, ten episode Power Rangers season, Cosmic Fury, the fandom has some concerns about the momentous 30th instalment, despite the epic features it teases. 

Power Rangers Cosmic Fury is part of the 30th Anniversary of the storied Power Rangers franchise, which features mostly original footage, not adapted from Super Sentai. The Dino Fury cast return for a short yet special third season that will only adapt footage for the Zords, namely the Voyagers from Uchu Sentai Kyuranger. Along with a spectacular new journey in space, the Rangers will gain new powers that will upgrade their dinosaur themed suits. Many features have already been revealed for the season, such as the return of David Yost as Billy from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and Kelson Henderson as Mick Kanic from Power Rangers Ninja Steel.  

Power Rangers Cosmic Fury: Is There Enough Power?  

A lot of changes have been revealed for the Power Rangers season that takes part during the 30th Anniversary of the franchise but some fans aren’t yet convinced about some of the choices made. This includes concerns about the direction for certain characters and the future of Power Rangers after the season finishes its run. As we wish to fairly address all concerns, here are the top worries that fans have with Cosmic Fury. 

There’s little doubt that Power Rangers Cosmic Fury will be a thrilling and exciting release but, despite the excitement, fans have been sharing their concerns on social media. The brunt of the concerns are often tackled by Simon Bennett who, as the executive producer, does his best to address these concerns. Some fans had also prejudged the show before any material was released. This said, a great number of comments have been extremely justified and they warrant addressing.

What’s Up With Cosmic Fury?

Very Little Promotion Despite Anniversary

A fan talking about promotion for the upcoming season on X.

With the actor strikes taking place in the television and film industry, the biggest issue faced by the 30th Power Rangers season is that the cast have been unable to fully highlight their work from the show. However, there is also less promotion overall for Power Rangers Cosmic Fury than there should be, including social media posts and overall promotional content from the show’s creators. Hunter Deno, the Red Cosmic Fury Ranger, shared her sadness for being unable to promote such a big instalment to the franchise but this hasn’t stopped her sharing her excitement with a simple count down to the release date.

Although it’s hard to complete with big releases, like the live action One Piece, the fandom does feel a little let down by the lack of promotion leading up to the airdate. However, fans do expect a lot to be revealed during the Hasbro Pulse Con 2023, which will occur a week before the season releases on Netflix. This will be a crucial event that will allow fans to celebrate the 30th Anniversary and the inclusion of Cosmic Fury will make a difference depending on what they decide to reveal.

Too Much Revealed Already? 

Simon Bennett, Executive Producer, talking about the reveals from the recent trailer.

The biggest reveals were unveiled by the recent trailer featured on Netflix, which showcases the first morph, various episode fights and the debut of the Dark Ranger. Although there was a lot of teases present here, there were better ways to reveal this content without fully spoiling the range of surprises within such a short number of episodes. Simon Bennett also previously shared his disapproval of the number of unintended spoilers that featured in the latest trailer and Netflix appears to have shown way more than they should have.

Although this is undesirable, there is still so much to be excited about and these unintended spoilers have given the fans much more to talk about. Positively or negatively, keeping the fandom talking is one of the services that Simon Bennett has gifted the Power Rangers community. This includes answering questions and providing insights into the production of the 30th season. If Bennett was given a greater platform to do this, it would have been perfect to highlight the upcoming show and limit spoilers. Some debuts are thankfully still hidden, such as the Orange Ranger’s first Morph and other characters expected to appear.

Hasbro Toys Below Par and Expectation 

Fan comparing the Cosmic Fury Morpher Toy released by Hasbro

With so many Power Ranger originals featured in Cosmic Fury, fans were expecting epic toy releases to commemorate the release. This includes the Cosmic Fury Morpher, which was revealed by Simon Bennett on social media and created by Tracey Collins. However, the toy created by Hasbro deviates from the incredible, in-show design and fails to keep the same form. Although reductions in costs have likely been made in favour of function, the issue of lower quality toys strikes harder with Power Rangers originals as there is no Bandai Japan or Super Sentai equivalent to fall back on. 

Zayto: Out of Sight, Out of Mind? 

Concern about Zayto’s position in the team, shared on social media.

Although big plans have been teased for Zayto, very little has been seen for Russell Curry and has raised serious concerns among the fandom. There have been so many teases regarding Zayto’s new role but the Champagne coloured Zenith Ranger hasn’t had any details revealed regarding his position in the team, with many extremely concerned that the former Red Ranger has been demoted and sidelined. This may suggest that any information revealed in advance would be a spoiler for the character but giving up the Red and Leader role should mean that he will gain a bigger storyline. The concern of many stems from the fact that, regardless of what this new role may be, his character has not been at the forefront of the limited promotion the season has had so far, only fuelling worries that his character has been diminished. As a Ranger that was brought back to life, a lot of fans are expecting an overwhelming new story for the Ranger, linked to his return from the Morphin Grid.  

Overly Negative Fans Are Hard to Negate 

Fan talking about the previous and current problems with the Power Rangers fandom.

Not everything wrong with the release is to do with Power Rangers Cosmic Fury itself, as a lot of fans have fallen into a negativity trap. Without a way to properly address desires, fans have already begun to claim that Cosmic Fury hasn’t met their expectations. This is natural due to the amount of changes that Power Rangers has implemented for the franchise, starting with this season, as well as uncertainty about the future of the series after season 30. With many fans used to adaptations of Super Sentai content, larger expectations have put off some fans from fully embracing the differences that Cosmic Fury has applied. 

The anticipation is extremely high for Cosmic Fury and fans should be excited to see what all new stories will feature in the upcoming release. Although Sentai and past adaptations have blessed fans with many wonders, Power Rangers Cosmic Fury will add a fresh new burst of content never seen before. The cast and crew of the 30th anniversary season are excited to share their work with the fandom, which shows they have put a lot of effort into creating a Power Rangers original release.

It is clear that Simon Bennett and the team have highlighted the great lore of the Morphin Grid, while also adding a full original team of Rangers. It would have been interesting to see completely new team but it was a brilliant move to feature the Dino Fury cast for another season. Fans have a ton of treats in store, and it will be interesting to find out what people think about Power Rangers Cosmic Fury when it is finally unleashed. 

Power Rangers Cosmic Fury

Power Rangers Cosmic Fury will be released on September 29th, 2023, and will be available worldwide via Netflix. The 30th Season of Power Rangers will consist of ten episodes and will feature the Dino Fury cast in their third season, along with David Yost and Kelson Henderson. 

For more Power Rangers Cosmic Fury, keep an eye for more updates. For more Power Rangers, follow us on social media and keep following The Toku Source for more news and announcements.

Sources: Simon Bennett, Various on X


  • Henshin Asset (Bryn)

    With a passion for Tokusatsu's Power Rangers and Super Sentai franchise, I am a Writer from The Illuminerdi who shares his love of Toku as a UK Resident. Big fan of Beetleborgs and various Kamen Rider series, and also loves Anime, Gaming, and VR. My Favourite Ranger series is Power Rangers Hyperforce, which demonstrates the power of TTRPGs.

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